Earth observation for the monitoring, reporting and verification of carbon farming.

The document below is the initial output from Credible's Focus Group 3.3 and the session held during the first European Carbon Farming Summit. It is a live document that will be improved thanks to everyone's participation in this public consultation and the subsequent activities of the Focus Group. By sending your opinion on the matter, you can contribute to bring valuable knowledge to the attention of the broader expert community and policy makers. We therefore invite all stakeholders and simple citizens to make your voice heard. It is the time to contribute to fair and transparent European policies, ones that can help the agricultural and forest sectors to stand out as an important solution to our current climate crisis.

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Feedback received so far

Carolina (Spain) | GEOSAT

05, 24

Reading the Credible document, I would like to add two comments: I have missed in the document some lines talking about private EO companies as providers of imagery and/or value-added products for MRV of carbon farming (maybe I skipped it?). When mention Sentinel, may be mentioned Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem ( that also includes quite a few EO private missions and products created by TPM companies (, that have been previously analyzed and evaluated by the Copernicus Coordinated data Quality Control for the integration of the product within the Copernicus Portfolio. Best, Carolina.